the conservation alliance

Press Releases, News and Recent Media Coverage

2016 American Mountain Guides Association National Meetings
Don Pachner will be presenting two 1 1/2 hour professional development clinics on insurance at the AMGA National Meetings in the amazing, new Petzl facility in Salt Lake City on October 26-29, 2016.  The first will cover developments in workers’ compensation, contractors, permits/concessions and certificates of insurance during the morning and again in the afternoon on Friday, October 28.  The second set of classes on Saturday morning and afternoon, October 29 will review developments in insurance for international guiding, including new permit issues that have arisen in British Columbia.  Both sessions will end with a question and answer period.  A big thank you to the staff of the AMGA for putting together another terrific conference this year.  I hope to see you there!

Press Releases, News and Recent Media Coverage

2016 Wilderness Risk Management Conference
Pachner Booth at WRMC

John Bean at our booth – 2013 WRMC

Pachner & Associates participated in the 2016 Wilderness Risk Management Conference held in Salt Lake City on October 13-15, 2016 as an exhibitor and featured sponsor.  Service representative Ted Wesolowski manned our booth and Don Don Pachner presented a poster session on Prioritizing Insurance for Outdoors Organizations explaining how to prioritize the spectrum of coverages in your insurance program.

Press Releases, News and Recent Media Coverage

Pachner & Associates moves their offices to the heart of the Adirondack High Peaks Region
Pachner & Associates moved their offices to the heart of the Adirondack High Peaks region in Keene, NY on January 27, 2016.  We have new, larger offices to accommodate our staff, and we have enhanced our web site so it is mobile friendly and connects directly with our new client portal.  Customers can now access their account and policy information, auto IDs, policies and other documents, as well as certificates of insurance on our portal.  Payment can be made via a navigation link on our home page, or a button directly on the scroll down page.  Please note our new phone numbers and mailing address.  To better serve you, each of our staff now has a direct dial number and their own voice mail., which can be found in the Contact section of our web site.  When sending checks or other documents via snail mail please remember to use our new address:  PO Box 140, Keene, NY 12942.  General Phone Number and Fax has not changed.