the conservation alliance

Press Releases, News and Recent Media Coverage

2016 Wilderness Risk Management Conference
Pachner Booth at WRMC

John Bean at our booth – 2013 WRMC

Pachner & Associates participated in the 2016 Wilderness Risk Management Conference held in Salt Lake City on October 13-15, 2016 as an exhibitor and featured sponsor.  Service representative Ted Wesolowski manned our booth and Don Don Pachner presented a poster session on Prioritizing Insurance for Outdoors Organizations explaining how to prioritize the spectrum of coverages in your insurance program.

Press Releases, News and Recent Media Coverage

2015 Wilderness Risk Management Conference
Pachner & Associates participated in the 2015 Wilderness Risk Management Conference as an exhibitor and Featured Sponsor. Don Pachner invited to speak on a panel of experts at the 2015 Wilderness Risk ManagementConference and at the AMGA national meetings in Salt Lake City, UT

Press Releases, News and Recent Media Coverage

International Trail Symposium – Portland, Oregon
Pachner & Associates exhibited and participated in sessions at The International Trail Symposium in Portland, OR as a member organization in American Trails and a snowy egret sponsor of the symposium